Contribution Guideline

Here's an easy enough guide to making contributions to the project

Setup Locally

First create a fork of the project from the original

Clone the fork

git clone

Change directory

cd countriesNowAPI

Install packages

npm i

Start Project

npm start

Run test

npm run integration:test

now visit the site on port 3000 (default) or whatever port was set as the PORT environment variable

Making Changes

  • Create a new branch for each change prefixing branch name with the type of change

  • e.g feat/get-houses, chore/update-readme

Adding New Endpoints

  • Add new endpoints in the ./routes/countries.js file

  • The ./controllers folder holds the countryController.js file where each endpoint method lives

  • Create a method for every new endpoint within this file

  • Add a test suite for each endpoint within the ./test/

  • Update the openApi Documentation in ./swagger to reflect the new endpoints

Commit Messages

  • Currently the project uses commitizen style for making Commits.

  • Since you already ran the npm i command, you should have everything setup to use commitizen.

  • Once you're ready to make that awesome change, do:

git add .

Then run the commitizen npm script with:

npm run make:commit
  • You can now make a push to your branch

Last updated

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